Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο


Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Μάιος, 2011

Mating Invitation

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH7mgC5ZNwI Mating Invitation Farm “Vergina” are happy to announce to all hunters and friends of kurzhaar, their next mating at the farm. Two dogs of genetic stock of the kennel will be matted: The male one is the 5 years old “PYROS OF VERGINA’S GOLD SUN”, which has a big hunting experience and many field trail wins. It is a typical dog in morphology and work and has been awarded as “Best new male kurzhaar Greece” (3 times), as “Best Junior” (4 times) and has been ranked 3rd in the final category of group 7. It has also been titled from the vice president of the International Kurzhaar Club, Rene Gerlet, as the “Finest Greek Kurzhaar of 2007”. The dog can be seen in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/user/VERGINASKURZHAAR The female one, named “DIANA”, is one of the other dogs of our kennel. She is imported from the famous kennel “Seehof” in England. She is daughter of the Germany, England and America stallion “Quick Step Vom Hege Haus” and the ...